
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Brandenburg is no longer at the bottom when it comes to the proportion of corona first vaccinations in the population compared to other countries.

According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute on Saturday, the rate was 6.8 percent, while North Rhine-Westphalia is now slightly worse at 6.7 percent.

Despite the delivery problems of the corona vaccine from Astrazeneca, all vaccination appointments booked online should take place in Brandenburg.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Gabriel Hesse, said on Saturday.

The Federal Ministry of Health informed the country at short notice that Astrazeneca would receive significantly less vaccine in the next two weeks.

“That is a shock and shows that we still cannot rely on the announced deliveries.

This means that making appointments remains a major challenge. "

Brandenburg received the last delivery of 12,000 vaccine doses from Astrazeneca on Friday.

Appointments for vaccinations with Astrazeneca are made online in Brandenburg via the website www.impfterminservice.de.

The dates are only activated there for a limited period of time.

"This procedure is now working," said the spokesman.

Thuringia had stopped the appointment of vaccinations for the time being due to the manufacturer's delivery problems and postponed the start of vaccinations for general practitioners.


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Corona vaccinations in Germany