Illustration of garbage trucks in Rennes.


C. Allain / APEI / 20 Minutes

  • The elected officials of Rennes Métropole have decided to harmonize the tax for household waste collection by adopting the principle of a single tax rate on the whole of the territory on Thursday evening.

  • Until now, there were 46 different tax rates in the metropolis, which has 43 municipalities.

  • As a result, some residents will pay less tax and others more.

The functioning of communities is sometimes of rare complexity for the taxpayer.

Example with the household waste collection tax which each owner must pay each year at the same time as his property tax.

In the Rennes metropolitan area, which has 43 municipalities, 46 different tax rates have so far been in force, varying from 4.15% to 12.45% depending on the municipality.

But this administrative mille-feuille will end this year.

Meeting Thursday evening at the Metropolitan Council, elected officials adopted the principle of a single tax rate for the entire territory.

"The level of service is today the same in all the municipalities and nothing therefore justified having different rates", explains Laurent Hamon, vice-president of Rennes Métropole in charge of waste, also evoking "a principle of justice tax ”.

From now on, the tax rate for the household waste collection tax will therefore be set at 5.70% for all 43 municipalities.

Incentive pricing soon to be implemented

As a result, some residents will pay more taxes and others less compared to previous years.

"The decrease will still concern a large majority of municipalities," says Laurent Hamon.

In the rural towns of Langan, Miniac-sous-Bécherel or Le Verger, the bill should drop by 78 euros on average per year for those who own a house and by 33 euros for an apartment.

Conversely, in other municipalities, the tax will cost between 15 and 33 euros more expensive depending on whether you live in an apartment or a house.

The introduction of this single rate is part of the new waste management strategy for the Rennes metropolitan area, which should be adopted by the end of the year.

It will be based in particular on incentive pricing which consists of making citizens pay according to what they actually produce as waste.

"But there are different calculation methods and none has yet been taken today", assures Laurent Hamon.


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  • Reindeer

  • Environment

  • Taxes

  • Waste

  • Tax

  • Garbage