In response to an erroneous statement in the materials related to the digital reform-related bill centered on the establishment of the Digital Agency, Minister of State for Special Mission Hirai expressed his intention to set up a verification team to prevent recurrence and consider improvement measures. I did.

Regarding the bill related to digital reform, it has been revealed that there were 45 mistakes in the related materials and 3 mistakes in the materials explaining it to the Diet.

Regarding this, Minister for Digital Reform Hirai once again apologized at the House of Representatives Cabinet Committee, saying, "I am really sorry and sincerely apologize. Whatever the circumstances, the ultimate responsibility lies with me."

After that, he said, "The bill preparation room was attended by 100 people, mainly young people, but there may have been some weaknesses in the coalition team from each ministry," he said, and set up a verification team to prevent recurrence and consider improvement measures. Showed the idea to do.