Taiwan Modern Women’s Foundation Survey: More than 40% of Taiwanese women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace

  [Global Times Special Correspondent Cheng Dong] The 8th is International Women's Day.

In recent years, Taiwan has repeatedly declared the "rise of female power", but workplace sexual harassment incidents have intensified.

  The Taiwan Modern Women's Foundation held a press conference on the 8th with the theme "The Distance Between Us and Sexual Harassment-A Large Online Survey of Female Sexual Harassment in the Workplace".

The survey was conducted from January 8 to February 16, and the results showed that 43% of respondents had experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, of which 63.5% were physically harassed, including uncomfortable physical touching such as shoulders. , Touching the head, stroking the back, improper physical contact such as hip slap, chest attack, hug and strong kiss; followed by verbal sexual harassment, accounting for 60.9%, such as topics related to sex and gender discrimination.

Other behaviors such as staring, unwelcome pursuits, and disseminating sex-related videos and pictures accounted for 37.1%.

The survey also showed that in these workplace sexual harassment incidents, the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim was "supervisors and employees" accounted for 41.7%, of which the perpetrator was the highest person in charge of the workplace accounted for 13.8%, and the two were colleagues accounted for 39.3%. It shows that more than 80% of the perpetrators of sexual harassment appear in the victimized women's daily work environment, causing considerable physical and psychological harm to them.

  Wang Ruxuan, director of the Modern Women’s Foundation, said that the impact of sexual harassment incidents may be quite long-lasting and even indelible. It is not as simple as “just touch it” and “a joke shouldn’t be so serious”.

Shi Zhensu, head of the Employment Security Section of the Taipei City Labor Bureau, said that according to statistics, the number of sexual harassment cases in Taipei City nearly doubled last year compared to previous years.

However, nearly 90% of companies do not know or have not dealt with workplace sexual harassment incidents.

Many female respondents who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace said that the company did not take immediate corrective and remedial measures after the incident as high as 87.3%, and 64.2% of the victims did not inform the company because of concerns.

Lu Shian, the founder of Taiwan's "Human Capital Weekend", said that if workplace sexual harassment incidents are not handled in accordance with the "Gender Work Equality Act" to accept complaints and follow-up procedures, it will not only severely damage the company's image, but also affect cooperation with other companies and cause heavy losses.

  To this end, Li Xin, Women’s Aid Association, Women’s News and other women’s groups jointly issued a statement, hoping that the “Legislative Yuan” will actively review and pass the “Tracking Harassment Prevention Law” during the third reading.

The statement stated that Taiwan's legal actions in this area lag far behind the United States and Japan for 30 years.

A number of "legislators" proposed on the 8th the "Tracking Harassment Prevention Law", the "Regulations on the Prevention of the Dissemination of Private Adult Sexual Images without Consent" and the "Gender Work Equality Law" draft amendments, which have been submitted to the committee for review.

Some “legislators” claimed that according to statistics, 90% of victims of “stalking and harassment” were women, especially young women. One out of eight people had encountered them; and one out of ten people were disseminated without consent. One encounter.

Therefore, the promotion of law amendment is not only to protect women's rights, but also to be reflected in social respect and equality, rather than just shouting slogans.

  At the same time, Taiwan has been promoting the "rise of female power" in recent years.

The “Survey on Women’s Power and Gender Equality at Work” released by yes123 Jobs.com on the 8th showed that up to 70.1% of female office workers believe that they are currently financially independent, with an average monthly salary of NT$36,320; if further cross-analysis is conducted by industry, The top five female employees with high self-evaluation influence are in order of finance, insurance and accounting statistics, mass communication and public relations advertising, catering and accommodation and leisure tourism, wholesale and retail and trade, and people's livelihood services.

It is worth noting that even if they think that their income can support themselves, 59% of women still feel that "workplace gender discrimination" is serious, and about 85% of female office workers think that "workplace pressure is high", and the source of pressure is in turn "work performance is not reflected." In terms of salary increase, “supervisors are emotional, difficult to communicate and disrespect subordinates”, “low sense of accomplishment in the workplace”, “too much workload” and “too long working hours”.

It’s not easy after get off work. 67% of women believe that they are currently “stressed in family life”. The source of stress is “to be busy with housework when off work and on vacation”, “to cope with basic expenses, often not making ends meet”, “cannot buy a house, and burden rent. "Large" and "filial piety is heavy", "live with family and relatives, and believe that there is no private space."