A baby koala, born with a disability, was given a new life with unexpected help.

On the 22nd of last month local time, foreign media such as Reuters of England introduced the story of a baby koala rescued by her mother who died four years ago, and only recently was able to ride a tree freely.

Marley Christian, a veterinary nurse from New South Wales, Australia, first met the koala Triumph in 2017.

Triumph, which seemed to be born at the time, was lying next to a mother koala who had already passed away, with only three legs and a bone protruding where the fourth leg should be.

Thanks to Mr. Marley's rescue of Triumph and taking it to the Lismore Koala Shelter where he works, Triumph has, fortunately, grown into an active koala with no major health problems.

However, because of the lack of a single leg, it was impossible to hang on a tree trunk for a long time like other koalas, and it was also difficult to run around on the plain.

A renowned American company that makes prosthetics for animals has built bridges for Triumph on several occasions, but every attempt has failed.

At this time, someone unexpected came to the koala shelter.

It was John Duman, a doctor who runs a dentist nearby.

Dulman, a dental prosthesis specialist, carefully analyzed Triumph's leg and then used a dental prosthesis to create a unique prosthetic leg.

Triumph put on pink prostheses, ran in place a few times, and immediately struck and started climbing trees.

Ms. Marley shed tears of excitement at Triumph's unprecedented comfort.

Triumph is known to be the world's first case of koalas wearing prosthetic feet.

"I was fortunate to have the bones protruding from the leg," said Duman, "I was able to design a prosthetic leg that was perfect for the Triumph."

“I plan to improve the design while watching the way the koala uses the prosthetic leg,” said Duman. “In fact, it still looks very comfortable.” He was proud.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='BBC News','Reuters' YouTube)