If you want to be comfortable and avoid financial difficulties in retirement, the best thing you can do is to plan well for that phase from now, and get rid of some misconceptions.

In a report published by the American Fox Business Channel, writer Chuck Salita says that good planning for the retirement period is not an easy thing, but it becomes more difficult when misconceptions are added to it. The writer reviews 4 of those ideas that many believe help them enjoy With a comfortable retirement.

Social Security covers most of your retirement expenses

The average monthly social security check for an American retiree is $ 1546, part of which goes to the Medicare health insurance program. This amount may also be reduced due to some other conditions such as continuing to work until retirement age.

Therefore, it is necessary not to rely on Social Security to cover monthly expenses during the retirement period, to plan for savings and to secure other financial resources.

Postponing saving for a late stage

The earlier you save for retirement, the easier and cheaper the process, as you can reach the desired goal with fewer monthly savings when you have a long time ahead of you, but if you wait until the middle of your career, you will find that things have become more difficult, according to the writer. .

So you should not delay thinking about saving for retirement until later in your career, as this could deprive you of valuable time and resources that you desperately need after retirement.

The earlier you save for retirement, the easier and cheaper the process (Getty Images)

Counting on a new job in recent years before retirement

Many are keen to work until the legal retirement age, in order to obtain all the benefits of Social Security, but that may not be easy.

The statistics of the United States Labor Office confirm that employment rates begin to decline significantly at the age of 54, and the reason is that many people stop working early after they have saved enough for their retirement period, or because of health problems that begin to appear with age and prevent continuing in the job .

If you were laid off at an advanced stage of life and you still did not reach retirement age, you may find it difficult to get another job that pays similar wages until you continue to save for your retirement.

Use a reverse mortgage to cover retirement costs

In theory, a reverse mortgage might seem like a smart way to cover the costs of the retirement period, but in practice, this is often accompanied by unforeseen problems and expensive fees.

For example, the activation fee can be up to 2% of the value of your home, and you cannot get a refund.

The conditions for obtaining the loan depend on the age and value of the property, and the younger you are, the less likely you are to get approval.

Therefore, the author argues that a reverse mortgage is not a good choice for covering retirement costs as many people think.