Imperial College of the United Kingdom releases survey report

  People in many countries have increased acceptance of the new crown vaccine

  A survey report released by the British Imperial College of Technology on the 5th said that a sample survey conducted in 14 countries showed that the public's acceptance of the new crown vaccine showed an upward trend in more than half of the countries.

  Researchers from Imperial College and the British Opinion Survey Company conducted this sampling in 14 countries including Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Britain, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea from November last year to February this year. survey.

  The results showed that, overall, nearly 58% of the respondents indicated that they are willing to receive the new crown vaccine, and the acceptance of the vaccine among the respondents in 9 countries has increased.

The British survey respondents have the highest acceptance. The February survey showed that it reached nearly 77%, which was higher than the 55% survey in November last year.

  The countries with lower acceptance by the respondents are France, Singapore and Japan. The latest survey results show that the proportions of people who are willing to be vaccinated are 40%, 48% and 48% respectively, but they are all higher than the survey results in November last year.

  The results showed that respondents in most countries showed a downward trend in their concerns about vaccine side effects. Overall, the proportion of respondents who expressed concern was 45%, with the UK having the lowest rate of 26%.

  Olau Dalz, a professor at Imperial College who participated in the survey, said that people’s acceptance of the new crown vaccine is increasing, but the data also shows that some countries need to do more to give people confidence and eliminate their worries about vaccination. .


  COVAX has delivered more than 20 million doses of vaccine

  The World Health Organization said on the 5th that the "New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan (COVAX)" jointly launched by it and its partners has delivered more than 20 million doses of vaccine to 20 countries, and will deliver vaccines to another 31 countries next week.

  Earlier this week, Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire have begun to vaccinate health workers with the new crown vaccine, becoming the first countries to be vaccinated by COVAX.

WHO Director-General Tan Desai said at a press conference on the 5th that next week he plans to provide another 14.4 million doses of the vaccine to another 31 countries, so that the number of countries using the COVAX vaccine will reach 51.

  Tan Desai also reminded that the number of vaccines distributed through COVAX is still relatively small, covering only about 2% to 3% of the population of the recipient country.

In order to increase vaccine production and delivery speed, and overcome obstacles such as export bans and shortages of raw materials, he once again called on companies with patents for the new crown vaccine to transfer related technologies to other companies that still have relatively abundant production capacity.

  The "New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine Implementation Plan" is jointly led by the World Health Organization, the Epidemic Prevention Innovation Alliance, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization. It aims to ensure that all participating countries and economies have fair access to the new crown vaccine.

Its core goal is to provide 2 billion doses of vaccine by the end of 2021.

This group of texts and pictures/Xinhua News Agency