Regarding the fact that it was revealed that two executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, who had been disciplined for entertainment problems from satellite broadcasting related companies, were having dinner with the president of NTT etc. After apologizing for causing suspicion of national civil servants, he expressed his intention to expand the target staff as much as possible to investigate whether there was any illegal entertainment.

In addition to Mr. Taniwaki, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, who was disciplined for entertainment issues from satellite broadcasting related companies, it was revealed that the director of the International Strategy Bureau, Makiguchi, was having dinner with the president of NTT, etc., and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is illegal. We are starting to investigate whether there was any entertainment.

After the Cabinet meeting, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda said to reporters, "I would like to apologize for the fact that it has led to suspicions about the administration and government officials. To clarify the facts, prevent recurrence, and restore public trust. I will do my best to work on it. "

He added that he instructed him to expand the target staff as much as possible and conduct a thorough investigation. With the guidance of the National Civil Service Ethics Review Board, he said that he would like to proceed as quickly as possible.