On the 8th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which is investigating whether there was any illegal entertainment over the fact that executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications were having dinner with the presidents of NTT, summarized what they could confirm, such as the price per person for the dinner. I will make an interim report in the Diet.

It was revealed that Mr. Taniwaki, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, who was disciplined for entertainment problems from satellite broadcasting related companies, had a dinner with the president of NTT and others, and the director of the International Strategy Bureau Makiguchi participated in another dinner I also know that it was.

In response to this situation, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takeda apologized for causing suspicions about the administration and national government employees, and plans to expand the target staff as much as possible to investigate whether there was any illegal entertainment. Was shown.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications summarized that it was possible to confirm each participant and the price per person by listening to the talk from the NTT side about the dinner between General Affairs Deputy Director Taniwaki and Director Makiguchi, and at the Budget Committee of the House of Councilors on the 8th. I will make an interim report.

On the other hand, regarding the satellite broadcasting related company "Tohokushinsha" where Prime Minister Suga's eldest son works, the satellite broadcasting business certification was not revoked even though it violated the foreign capital regulation of the Broadcasting Law four years ago, and after that It was newly revealed that the certification was inherited by the subsidiary.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said that it was not aware of the violation of regulations at that time, and said that the succession of certification in the state of violation of regulations was "a case that was not expected until now", and will consider the treatment of subsidiaries in the future and a series of It is a policy to investigate the background of.