
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsunion Berlin has called for an end to the lockdown for the entire retail sector as well as the catering and hotel industry in the coming month.

The Senate should allow the opening from April 1, “while observing clear, Berlin-wide regulations”, announced the SME representation on Friday evening.

The companies in these industries are not only fighting for financial compensation from the federal and state governments, but are now mostly threatened in their existence.

"The district associations and members of the state board receive shattering news every day from desperate entrepreneurs who can no longer cope with another month-long closure and must have clarity about the time and requirements," it said.

About the measures recently decided by the federal and state governments: "The proposals discussed, for example for making appointments in the retail trade, are alien to life and make any further business operations uneconomical for companies," it says.

Incidence values ​​should not be the only factor in assessing the health situation if severe disease progressions only very rarely occur in younger people.


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