• M5s: Conte accepts the invitation, he will work on the re-foundation of the pentastellati

  • Summit of the General Staff of the M5s.

    Count towards role in the movement

  • M5s: the 'Alternative there' component is born in the Chamber and Senate, the expelled members are part of it


March 04, 2021 "A month ago Giuseppe Conte said 'for the 5 Star Movement there are and I will be'. It is a commitment that he made publicly and that he intends to honor. He was asked to write together a project for the future of Movement. We are not talking about a short-term future but about the only horizon that a modern political force must consider: 2050 ".

So Beppe Grillo in a post.

"In the negotiations with President Draghi, the 5 Star MoVement has focused on the substance and weight of the ministries to which we have applied, not on their number. No ministry is" minor ", but there is a" major ministry ", that of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. It is for the next decades "the Ministry of the future of all", not the spoils of a party. It is the catalyst for the ecological orientation of the entire government, "he wrote.

"For now, let's go ahead, but we would only be happy if other politicians from other parties soon learned to drive this" machine of the future "by treasuring our successes and also our mistakes. Any party that manages MiTE in the coming decades will have to reckon. for the end of the 21st century, not for the end of the legislature. 2050 is tomorrow, and it belongs to everyone. The Ecological Transition will either be everyone's or it won't be ", he adds.

"To participate in this emergency government, the M5s has set two mandatory conditions: the establishment of a Super Ministry of Ecological Transition, the MiTE, and above all the establishment of the Interministerial Committee for Ecological Transition, the ISCED, under direct responsibility of the Prime Minister. Of the present, and of all future ones. We strongly wanted this irreversible revolution for the good of the country and our grandchildren in the coming decades, whatever the government will be and whoever will be the Minister of Transition until 2050. If someone would know how to do even better than us, so be it. But he will have to convince the Italians. In the meantime, we are leading the way ", he continued.

"Mistakes? Only those who don't make no mistakes"

"I've been talking, shouting and writing for thirty years about environmental protection, combating consumerism, reducing the use of energy, materials and working time. part thanks to the 5 Star Movement these issues have finally arrived in Parliament and then in the government, compatibly with the compromises needed in coalition governments. Twelve years after the foundation of the 5 Star Movement, on 4 October 2021, St. Francis' day, many of the our objectives are part of the government agenda of a G7 country, our Italy ".

To claim it is Beppe Grillo.

"The 5 Star Movement - he continues, again from his Blog - has been training for years for this moment! We made mistakes. Who doesn't make them? But we moved like divining on land not yet explored by us, nor by others. Only those who do not do not make mistakes ".

Proud of Virginia Raggi, with her new ecological impetus in Rome

"The 5-star Movement has governed Rome for five years. It was not easy. We can do better, with everyone's help. Together with the new Super Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Municipality of Rome, with the mayor Virginia Raggi, is in a good position to give new ecological impetus to the capital. We are proud and proud to have chosen a woman as mayor, as in Paris, Barcelona, ​​Zurich and other major European cities ".

Beppe Grillo, guarantor and founder of M5s, writes it in a long post published on his blog.