• Government, Draghi hears von der Leyen: accelerate on vaccines

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March 04, 2021 The decree law has not yet arrived at Palazzo Chigi, but in the government there is a growing hypothesis of postponing all the elections scheduled until June to the autumn, due to the epidemic: the Regionals in Calabria scheduled for 11 April, the suppletive of Siena and the municipalities to elect 1,200 mayors.

In particular those of Rome, Milan, Turin, Bologna, Naples.

The preliminary investigation to decree the postponement has already been completed at the Interior Ministry, the decree is expected in one of the next Cdm.

We should go to the vote between September and October with the hypothesis of a single date for the Regionals in Calabria and Municipalities. For the Regionals, the government must pass the dl by mid-March. For administrative offices by the end of April. It is easier then for an "erga omnes" postponement of the next elections to be implemented. There are also two appendages to reinforce the possible move by the government. The first is the school: further slowdowns in the calendar due to the organization of the polling stations would damage one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. The second refers to the words with which President Sergio Mattarella, announcing the appointment of Draghi, underlined the epidemiological risk of a return to voting in the spring. Words that any majority party would have difficulty, with the contagion curve rising, to contradict.