China News Service, Guangzhou, March 1 (Cai Minjie, Zhou Yingyi) 5G pre-hospital emergency, 5G smart security, 5G smart ward... The first all-scenario smart hospital in Mainland China was built on March 1 at the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province.

According to Tian Junzhang, secretary of the party committee of the hospital, the all-scenario smart hospital applies new technologies such as "cloud", 5G, and artificial intelligence to various fields to realize the coordination of the management of the hospital's human, financial, and material elements, and improve the medical experience, diagnosis and treatment efficiency and quality. The level of hospital operation and management.

  In 2018, the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province took the lead in proposing the construction of a smart hospital in the country, innovating to apply artificial intelligence in the fields of consultation and triage, imaging diagnosis, etc., patients can see a doctor by just brushing their faces, but the application scenarios are mostly fragmented and various wisdoms. There is no connection between apps.

  "The all-scenario smart hospital subverts people's concept and understanding of traditional hospitals. It has a continuously upgraded and iterative'smart brain', which can realize multi-scenario collaborative applications. As soon as patients enter the hospital, they can feel the sense of science and technology and intelligent medical treatment. Experience." said Qu Hongying, director of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province.

  The full-scenario smart hospital includes multiple application scenarios, including "5G + pre-hospital emergency".

For example, after an old man suffered a stroke and got into an ambulance, medical staff immediately evaluated his condition.

At the same time, the on-board doctors use various 5G medical equipment in the car to complete a series of examinations such as CT for patients.

The in-hospital MDT multidisciplinary "cloud consultation" was started simultaneously to determine the treatment plan and improve the success rate of first aid.

  "5G Smart Security" refers to the coverage of 5G video "Skynet" surveillance in a full-scenario smart hospital.

At present, the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province has deployed more than 500 5G+AI cameras throughout the hospital, which can realize multiple intelligent functions such as face recognition and cross-border recognition.

Once suspicious persons and behaviors are found, security personnel will be prompted to intervene as soon as possible to prevent medical disturbances and malignant medical incidents.

  In the "5G smart ward" of the all-scenario smart hospital, from the first moment the patient enters the hospital to the health follow-up after discharge, the closed-loop management of the whole process is realized.

After putting on the smart bracelet, inpatients can scan the access control, check the information of the robot's medicine distribution, and receive various examination results in real time.

In the event of a fall or an abnormal physical emergency signal, the smart bracelet will immediately send an alarm signal to the doctors and nurses' mobile terminals, which can provide timely and effective treatment.
