
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - The state audit office has doubts as to whether all corona measures in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania really have to do with the pandemic.

"The State Audit Office considers it questionable to finance measures with emergency loans that were started before the pandemic began," said the President of the state's highest audit authority, Martina Johannsen, on the occasion of the presentation of the State Financial Report 2021.

One of the dubious projects in the MV protection fund is the creation of the special fund “Promotion of University Medicine of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania”, which is intended to reduce an investment backlog that has already arisen.

There is also no evidence of a pandemic link in the school construction program, or in the promotion of broadband expansion.

This also applies to the expansion of the range of digital administrative services.

"Implementation began before the pandemic began, but the state government is behind schedule, the pandemic did not trigger the delay," wrote the examiners around Johannsen in their report.

The State Audit Office sees with concern that this additional expenditure would have to incur considerable new debts.

"The country's debts will rise to a new high," emphasized Johannsen.

Debt servicing will put an immense strain on the state budget for a good two decades.


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