It's been a month since China enforced a law permitting the use of weapons by the CCG.

From within the Liberal Democratic Party, based on the fact that ships of the China Coast Guard are repeatedly invading Japan's territorial waters off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, a new legislation is being developed to ease the requirements for weapons use by the Japan Coast Guard. There is an opinion asking for.

On the 1st of last month, China enforced the Maritime Police Law, which allows the Maritime Police Law, which is the maritime security officer, to use weapons.

Since the China Coast Guard ships repeatedly invade Japan's territorial waters and navigate in the continental zone off the coast of the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, the LDP has enforced the "Sea Police Law" to ensure safety around Japan. There are opinions calling for new legislation, such as easing the requirements for the use of weapons by the Japan Coast Guard, as the security environment is becoming more serious.

In response, the government explained at a previous LDP meeting that if it tried to force a landing on the Senkaku Islands, it could be a serious violent crime, "harmful shooting." The current law can handle all situations. "

However, within the Liberal Democratic Party, there are strong calls for new legislation to make it easier for coast guard officers and SDF personnel to deal with it, and the government seeks understanding by carefully explaining how to deal with various situations. I want to.