“It would be correct to legally fix appeals to resolve specific issues ... after the next convocation of the State Duma, it will be possible to form a general transparent array of citizens' proposals in order, including on their basis, to work in parliament,” the press service quotes him. GD.

According to Volodin, such obligations of the deputies could be enshrined in the law on the status of a deputy or in the regulations of the State Duma, which in the future will make it possible to implement these proposals through initiatives in federal laws, appeals to representatives of the executive power of various levels and other mechanisms.

“Opportunities, of course, are different for everyone, but work efficiency will definitely increase, there will be less demagoguery.

Voters will be able to ask their representatives in the State Duma for their commitments during the elections, ”the State Duma speaker emphasized.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a decent election to the State Duma.