Near the ancient ruins of Pompeii in southern Italy, a nearly 2000-year-old decorated four-wheeled carriage was unearthed in near-perfect form, and archaeologists said, "Amazing, well-preserved, deepening understanding of ancient times. It's a discovery. "

According to a team of archaeologists who continue to excavate archaeological sites in Pompeii, the carriage was found at an excavation site near Pompeii, an ancient city ruin in southern Italy buried in volcanic ash by the eruption of Besbio volcano in 79 AD. It was.

It is a carriage with four wheels, and it was excavated in almost perfect form, with iron parts, fine decoration with bronze and tin.

In addition, traces of being decorated with ropes and flowers were also confirmed.

According to experts, the carriage is believed to have been used in ceremonies such as festivals and parades.

Archaeologists on the excavation team say, "It's an amazing discovery that gives you a better understanding of ancient times in a well-preserved state."