• Coronavirus, Rt Italia at 0.99: risk level worsens, high in 5 Regions

  • Campania, De Luca: from Monday we close all schools

  • Covid.

    Sardinia hopes for the white band: the lowest RT in Italy

  • Covid.

    Molise, the governor asks for the red zone

  • Bonaccini: "We are facing the beginning of the third wave".

    Bologna and municipalities in dark orange


February 26, 2021 "The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has just called me to communicate that from next Monday, March 1, Lombardy will be in the orange band",

reads a note released by the governor Attilio Fontana

. "We take note of the decision, but the time has come for technicians and scientists to study and then tell us in a clear and defined way how to overcome this weekly dripping through stable and safe rules", continues the president who asks to guarantee the daily life of citizens and businesses with a "longer horizon than the weekly check".

In the orange zone there will also be

Piedmont and Marche



it passes from the orange zone to the yellow zone with the exception of Sanremo.

In the red zone






remains in the orange zone.

"We must not do catastrophism or alarmism but we know that we must keep our guard up.

Where there is a need to intervene we must do it promptly

and hard", said the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, at a press conference on data analysis of the Covid regional monitoring of the control room. 

In Italy there are areas and regions with very high incidence, such as in Trentino, Molise and Abruzzo, due to the presence of the English variant, which is more transmissible by 36-38%.

Also in Umbria, due to the presence of the English and Brazilian variants.

"We have to make a big effort to contain the outbreaks," Rezza said.

Fewer infections in Rsa, more outbreaks in schools

The good news is that infections and outbreaks in Rsa are starting to decrease decisively, probably as a result of the vaccination campaign that in the first phase involved health workers and the elderly, but they worry schools.

"We are starting to see outbreaks in schools that could be a consequence of the spread of variants with which children tend to be more infected. The incidence rate at school age above 11 tends to rise," Rezza said. 'incidence remains high in some Regions and even if we are below the critical threshold, everything must be done so that "the intensive care we have a limited reserve does not go into trouble."

On schools, he added: "When it comes to closures school is always painful, because we have made it a priority to keep schools open.

As long as it is possible to do so, it is clear that face-to-face teaching is a priority, of course if the epidemiological situation allows it ".

" Contain and vaccinate "

" Vaccinate quickly and well: this is the only recipe to stem the virus, net of delays on vaccines that we hope will be passed soon.

We must absolutely stop the Brazilian and South African variants by containing them and mitigate the English variant, which we can counteract with the vaccine ", said Rezza, who announced the results of the complete study on the variants for March 2-3." Our motto must be. 'contain and vaccinate' ", he added.

From the monitoring of the control room, Rezza continued," we note in Regions such as Abruzzo, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont and Umbria a certain worsening of the epidemiological situation as well as the onset of outbreaks even within yellow Regions such as Lazio. This is why it is important to intervene with limited red areas. '

Worsening in the level of risk

Ten regions and autonomous provinces with a punctual Rt greater than 1, including Basilicata, with a Rt with the lower upper limit of 1.26, compatible with a type 3 scenario. Molise - which requested the red zone - has a punctual Rt of 1.11 with an upper limit of 1.45.

confirmed for the fourth consecutive week a worsening in the general level of risk.

Trento and Bolzano

Boom in the weekly incidence of Covid cases on the population in the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, where the threshold of 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is exceeded.

The highest value of the weekly incidence is in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano with 539.01 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by the Autonomous Province of Trento with 309.12 per 100,000 inhabitants.

These are the data for the week 15-21 February (updated to 24 February) contained in the draft of the latest ISS-Ministry of Health monitoring.

Marche, 100% superior in Dad

An ordinance was signed today by the president of the Marche region Francesco Acquaroli which orders, starting from tomorrow, Saturday 27 February, and until 5 March (the expiry date of the current Dpcm), distance learning at 100% in all high schools in the Marche.

In the provinces of Ancona and Macerata alone, the same 100% Dad method will also affect the second and third classes of middle schools.

The goal is to reduce the pressure on the regional health system, in light of an increase in covid infections in the young age groups, starting from the province of Ancona, but also in the other territories. 




region has expressed its will to go to the red zone.

"In these cases we can only accept this request," said the director general of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni Rezza.

Campania, schools closed

"From Monday in Campania all schools will be closed".

This was announced by the President of the Region

, Vincenzo De Luca, during the live Facebook on Friday.

The governor explained that the decision was taken "because we have to deal with the new variants that have emerged and to complete the vaccinations for school staff".

Avoiding opportunities for contact 

In light of the increased circulation of some viral variants with greater transmissibility and the clear trend of increasing incidence throughout the Italian territory, the draft of the Iss-Ministry of Health report on the weekly monitoring of the pandemic reiterates " to raise mitigation measures to achieve a drastic reduction in physical interactions between people and in mobility ".

"It is essential - reads the document - that the population avoids all occasions of contact with people outside their own home that are not strictly necessary and to stay at home as long as possible".

Intensive care numbers impose restrictions Intensive care

numbers are worrying.

The current "national" employment rate of intensive care is 24%, therefore below the critical threshold of 30%.

The reserve is small.

"In small regions, the 'lung' of intensive care, if the incidence is high, remains limited and patients must then be transported out of regions", explains Rezza.

In particular, there is a worsening in the number of Regions / PPAA that have an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold: 8 against 5 in the previous week.

Overall, the number of people admitted to intensive care is increasing from 2,074 (16/02/2021) to 2,146 (23/02/2021);

the number of people hospitalized in medical areas is substantially stable (18,463 as of 02/16/2021, to 18,295 as of 02/23/2021).

This trend at the national level underlies strong inter-regional variations with some regions where the absolute number of hospitalized patients in the critical area and the relative impact, together with the incidence, however, impose restrictive measures, according to the draft.