
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Around 1000 Hamburg musicians and DJs have applied for money from the Hamburg Gagenfonds in the past few months because of lower or failed concert income.

Around 80 percent of the applications have already been approved, the culture authority announced on Friday in Hamburg.

Now the 500,000 euro fund is to be topped up by a further 250,000 euros.

This means that applications for concerts played in 2021 can also be submitted from Monday afternoon.

The city wants to support the still active music scene with its professionally organized live and streaming concerts.

As a rule, the artists have to forego many paying guests or their fees due to the corona.

However, an application is only possible if the performance earned less than 250 euros per person.

Or in the case of bands or concerts with more than 200 spectators, less than 500 euros per person could be booked.

In addition, it should be made clear in livestreams with a donation or paywall function that “free culture” will not become the new Corona motto.

The fee fund was set up with the RockCity Hamburg association.


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Hamburg fee fund