In an apartment in Turkey where a fire broke out, a mother dropped the children out of the window, and thanks to the citizens who helped, the rescue was safe.


Click> The last search term is'citizens who saved children'.

A fire broke out on the fourth floor of an apartment in Istanbul, Turkey.

The flames spread in an instant and black smoke comes out.

Just then, a woman drops her child out of the window.

In a dizzying moment, it was the blankets the citizens had saved that saved the child.

Citizens who saw their mothers and children trapped without being able to go, gave a helping hand.

They've been getting blankets one by one from here and there, and they've collected them and made them like air mats.

In this way, all 4 children were successfully received and evacuated to the ground.

Fortunately, there were no injuries, but a firefighter arrived and rescued the child's mother who had been trapped.

Netizens responded, "My mother's courage and citizens' help saved my child" and "How scared the children were? I hope that trauma will not remain".