• Politics. We can already see it in the CGPJ: "The PP is going to have to assume that we are"

  • Politics The PSOE assures that Vox asked him to negotiate a quota to have members in the new CGPJ

  • Justice. Eight members give Lesmes a pulse and demand that the CGPJ continue with the Supreme Court's appointments

After 15 months of institutional blockade, the Government and the Popular Party are about to reach an agreement on the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (


), among other constitutional bodies.

The Socialists will be left with 10 seats within the governing body of the judges and the


with another 10 members.The main obstacle of the negotiation carried out against the clock in recent days by the Secretary General of the Presidency,

Félix Bolaños

, and the

general secretary of the PP,

Teodoro Garcia Egea

, pilots around who will preside over the Judicial Power, the asset that socialists and


and that has slowed down the pact. On the other hand, in the aforementioned agreement, which will foreseeably be announced this Thursday, the


and also


, although in no case with a member linked to the independence movement, one of the vetoes imposed by the formation of

Pablo Casado

At the time of sitting down to negotiate the distribution of the Judicial Power, from the PP side, the magistrate of reinforcement of the

National audience

Alejandro Abascal

, the former director of the Judicial School

Thorny Gem

, the magistrate of

Supreme court

Jose Antonio Montero

and the magistrate from Cartagena

Raúl Sánchez Conesa

, among others.

The candidates of the PSOE

By the


the former member of the CGPJ would access the organ of the Judiciary

Immaculate Montalbán

, the magistrate of the Supreme

Angel Arozamena

, the president of the Audiencia de Navarra

Esther erice

, the magistrate of the Audiencia of Barcelona

Jose Maria Fernandez Seijo

and the former president of the Superior Court of Justice of La Rioja

Ignacio Espinosa

, uncle of the minister

Alberto Garzon

In addition, the former Catalan Labor Minister with the Government of José Montilla rings out with force to occupy a position on the Council,

Sea serna

, judge of Barcelona Socialists and


They have not wanted to reveal who will be the magistrate chosen to preside, waiting for the first plenary session of the new governing body of judges to be held, although the negotiation has revolved around Moncloa's interest in electing the first president of the Court Supreme Court, the magistrate of the Third Chamber being the best positioned

Pilar Teso

, indicate legal sources. On the other hand, among the candidates who are considering no account with the placet of the PP.

In addition, both the Government and Genoa will try to prevent the repetition of an episode such as the one experienced in November 2018, when it was announced that the person chosen for that position was the president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court,

Manuel Marchena

Before it even transcended who were the members of the organ.

Ignacio Espinosa, Alberto Garzón's uncle

After Casado's veto of profiles such as the magistrate of the National Court

Jose Ricardo de Prada

, creator of the harshest sentences of the sentence of the

'Gürtel case'

that brought down the government of

Mariano Rajoy

, or the judge

Victoria Rosell

, current delegate of the Government for Gender Violence, the PSOE tries to satisfy


with the appointment of the progressive Espinosa as representation quota of the formation


However, the party of

Pablo Iglesias

demands from Sánchez a profile of greater affinity with them within the organ of the Judicial Power, indicate sources familiar with the negotiation. Along with the renewal of the Council, socialists and


close the pact on the four new members of the

constitutional Court

replacing the outgoing president

Juan José González Rivas

, the vice president

Encarna Roca

, The magistrate

Andres Ollero

and the former magistrate

Fernando Valdes


The Supreme Magistrate is emerging as new members of the court of guarantees on the socialist side

Pablo Lucas

and from the PP, the professor of Constitutional Law and former member

Enrique Arnaldo


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