
Greifswald / Schwerin (dpa / mv) - municipalities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania should define the specific areas for a ban on alcohol in public.

This should include places where people stay in a confined space or for a long time, as the State Chancellery announced on Wednesday evening in Schwerin.

The higher administrative court in Greifswald had previously overridden the ban on alcohol in public.

A private person sued against it, said a court spokeswoman.

In its decision, the court therefore stated that the corresponding regulation in the Corona state ordinance is not in accordance with the Infection Protection Act.

The plaintiff had argued that this regulation was disproportionate and therefore incompatible with higher-ranking law.

The state government continues to rely on a corresponding alcohol ban in public and wants to achieve greater legal certainty with the specific implementation on site.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210225-99-583178 / 2

Corona state regulation Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Communication from the Higher Administrative Court