<Anchor> We

informed you that economists from all over the world are running a series of papers, asking you to withdraw the thesis by Professor Ramsey of Harvard, who defined Japanese military comfort women as prostitutes, and more than 1,500 people have signed it and Nobel laureates have been named.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung of New York met alone with American scholars who wrote the edition.

<Reporter> This

is a forum for world economists demanding the withdrawal of Harvard Ramsay's thesis.

It was signed by over 1,500 scholars just two days after it was released.

Nobel laureate in economics, Eric Maskin, Harvard University professor, John Roberts Stanford University professor, Larry Samuelson, Yale University professor, and other academic leaders were directly named.

Interesting scholars, who played a key role in the creation of this magazine, said they were surprised to see this enthusiasm.

[Albert Choi/Professor of University of Michigan Law: I don't think I've ever seen more than 1,000 signing in such a short time.]

Ramsay insisted that even a 10-year-old girl is a contract prostitute to define comfort women victims as voluntary prostitutes. The professor's thesis could not be considered a scholar.

[Michael Choi/UCLA Political Science Professor: It was a problem.

We had to stop it, and we could no longer accept a paper like this.]

We analyzed that the sole purpose of Professor Ramsey's thesis was to give indulgence to Japanese war crimes.

He explained that the meaning of the yeonpanjang is the will of scholars to prevent such papers from sticking to their feet again.

[Su Mialong/ Professor of Economics at Emory University: I think the more important purpose is to show our determination not to tolerate any further actions.]

He emphasized that we must never forget the lessons this incident has posed to us.

[Michael Choi / Professor of Political Science at UCLA: The Jewish community has educated people really, really hard about the Holocaust.

We must do the same thing.]

(Video coverage: Park Eunha·Yoo Donghyuk, video editing: Kim Hojin)