
Is it all just a saber rattle?

Since the US withdrew from the nuclear agreement under Donald Trump, Iran has also been breaking more and more of the provisions of the agreement, hoarding nuclear fuel and pushing its research.

It is clear that new negotiations will start soon.

Finally, Joe Biden announced that he wanted to save the deal.

And of course Iran also has a significant interest in it, after all, the agreement also includes lifting economic sanctions against the country in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program.

Ultimately, it is normal for counterparties to make high demands before the start of discussions, to build up bargaining power that they can restore later.

But it is not that easy.

Iran's escalation steps clearly show what the truth is - not the Islamic Republic's right to use nuclear energy, as Tehran claims.

The question is how close Iran is to a nuclear weapon.

Because that is what his latest steps are aimed at.

Tehran has started to enrich uranium to 20 percent.

That is higher than would be necessary for the operation of power plants and at this level 90 percent of the technical effort required for the production of bomb material is already done.

In addition, Iran has started to produce uranium metal, a material that is used exclusively for the construction of nuclear warheads.

These materials could be destroyed if an agreement is reached.

But Iran's gain in practical experience is irreversible.

And ultimately that's exactly what it's about.


Apparently, the Iranian leadership doesn't really want to build the bomb.

But she wants to be able to do so at any time because the deterrent effect would be almost as great.

North Korea can repeatedly extort concessions and secure the power of the ruling Kim family without using the bomb.

How much more devastating would such power be in the hands of the Iranian leadership, which controls militias and wages conflicts across the Middle East?

That would also be a structural security problem for Europe.

That is why it would not be enough to prevent an Iranian bomb from being built.

The possibility alone would be dangerous.