<Oh! Click> The second search term is'goldfish in a life jacket'.

Something is embedded in the body of a goldfish raised by a family in England.

It is a life jacket specially made for goldfish with'Bure' disease.

Bure disease is a disease in which the balance cannot be maintained due to deformation of the breath due to intestinal parasites or overeating, and the body cannot swim normally because the body continues to rise or sink down.

Families, who couldn't just see the suffering goldfish, turned to the local animal shelter for help.

Stacey, the owner of the shelter, who looked at the condition of the goldfish, made a'special life jacket'.

They made a frame out of small plastic tubes and attached a device to help keep the weight constant in the water.

Thanks to aids made with love by their families and guardians, the goldfish are said to swim and live happily.

Netizens showed various reactions.

They responded, "Thanks to the life jacket with love, the goldfish has regained their freedom." and "I feel the preciousness of life ^^".

(Screen source: the garden sanctuary)