<Anchor> The

first industrial accident hearing was held at the National Assembly.

Representatives of nine large corporations, including construction companies and courier companies, who died or were seriously injured at work, came to the National Assembly as witnesses.

[Bakchanbok / Lotte global Logis NYSE: no facts tell you, even I have ten.]

[Note distant Joseph Nathan / Kupang Fulfillment Service Representative. We deeply apologize spoken to death jangdeokjun's]

representatives again as gods do listen Lowered his head to prevent this from happening, but the CEO of Hyundai Heavy Industries was accused of making comments that seemed to blame workers for industrial accidents.

For more information, reporter Baekwoon.


From the beginning of the hearing, it was POSCO Chairman Jeong-woo Choi who tried to abstain from attending because he had a pain in his back.

[Kim Woong/Kookmin's Strength Member: Chairman, are you okay with your waist?

In the case of lumbar sprains and cervical sprains, insurance scammers usually pay...


Chairman Choi had to bow his head several times.

[Chairman Jeong-woo Choi/POSCO: (worker who died in industrial accidents) I sincerely apologize to the bereaved.] Young-

suk Han, CEO of Hyundai Heavy Industries, said, "There are many workers who induce work according to standard work, but there are a lot of unsafe behaviors." I said.

[Han Young-Seok/Hyundai Heavy Industries Representative: Seeing the type of accident, it was in a practically unstable state and was caused by the actions of the worker.]

[Chairman Chang Cheol-min/Democratic Party: If an industrial accident occurs because of the unsafe behavior of the worker, we will see this (hearing ) Why do you do it?]

A representative apologized, saying it was because of his lack of speaking skills.

The first ever National Assembly industrial accident hearing.

Because the time given was short, the lawmakers leaned on to scream.

[POSCO Chairman Choi Jung-woo: I think I was short.

I'm sorry.]

[Representative Lee Isa Lim: I don't have a short thought, that's the personality of the chairman.] The

representatives bowed their heads but did not accept legal responsibility, and the limitations were revealed.

Still, alternatives were also conspicuous, such as announcing that some companies would review ways to handle hazardous materials by employees at the headquarters rather than by partners.

Companies will have to prove that the answer given after being scolded is not a temporary solution.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho·Kim Seung-tae, video editing: Park Jeong-sam)