Last Thursday afternoon, Otto Kölbl sent a message to the world via Twitter.

"Mao came to power in a country where the highly cultivated intellectual elite previously ruled unrestrictedly."

When a reader complains, Kölbl publicly complains about "brainwashing our academic China experts and our media about China, specifically about the time under Mao".

Kölbl, 52, was appointed to an internal corona expert council by the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) in March 2020.

This group, which also included several economic experts, developed a strategy paper entitled "How to get Covid-19 under control".

Kölbl was one of the leading authors.

Otto Kölbl is neither a virologist nor a sociologist, lawyer or expert in another field that deals with the pandemic itself.

Kölbl is a Germanist.

Not a professor, but a PhD student at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland.