A Russian court has ruled that Navalny, the leader of opposition forces who have criticized Putin's administration, will cancel the suspended sentence of his previous conviction and switch to prison, and Navalny is expected to be imprisoned. ..

The Putin administration seems to have the aim of restricting political activities by imprisonment.

Seven years ago, a decision was made to cancel the suspended sentence of imprisonment received in an economic case and switch to imprisonment over Mr. Navalny, the leader of Russian opposition, and Mr. Navalny has filed a complaint. It was.

A Moscow court ruled on the 20th to dismiss the allegation and maintain the decision to revoke the suspended sentence and switch to prison.

According to lawyers, Mr. Navalny is expected to be imprisoned in prison for two years and six months out of three years and six months in prison, excluding house arrest.

In addition, on the 20th, another trial was held on SNS last June on SNS for defamation of a veteran of World War II, and the court was charged with 850,000 rubles in Japanese yen. I sentenced him to a fine of over 1.2 million yen.

Mr. Navalny's attack on chemical weapons nerve agents has attracted worldwide attention last year, and there are growing calls for release at home and abroad.

It seems that the Putin administration wants to limit political activities by imprisoning Mr. Navalny in prison and curb the expansion of support.