
Berlin (dpa / bb) - A 31-year-old man was chasing the police at high speed in the middle of Berlin rush hour traffic.

The man had evaded a control with his vehicle in Alt-Hohenschönhausen on Friday afternoon, as the police announced.

He accelerated, and the officials started the persecution.

Despite heavy traffic, the man kept driving on the opposite lane and on sidewalks and bike paths.

According to the police, a 52-year-old pedestrian could only save himself by jumping to the side in front of the car.

At a traffic light, the fugitive damaged a car parked there on the side with his car.

The 31-year-old finally had to move to a property in Lichtenberg before an oncoming emergency vehicle.

The driver walked into a house, in the hallway of which the officers arrested him against strong resistance.

The man claimed to have used alcohol, cannabis and crystal meth.

He came to the hospital with circulatory problems.

A blood test showed clear signs of drug use.

The police seized the car and found several identification documents in it that could not be assigned to the driver, including Russian passports.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210220-99-522592 / 2


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