An essential part of Vendée gastronomy, this brioche is served during many festive moments.

Also called waste, its tradition dates back to the Middle Ages when it was traditionally served at Easter, which made it possible to use the many eggs not consumed during Lent.

She takes her recipe from a traditional wedding cake, which explains its braided shape.

Family cake, it was "taken" by bakers at the beginning of the 20th century.

These improve the recipe.

She became "Vendée" in 1949 following a charity sale of Vendée products carried out in Paris for the benefit of war wounded.

It is then distinguished from Parisian brioche.

Recipe : 

- 500 g of flour

- 100 g of soft butter

- 100 g of crème fraîche

- 3 eggs (and a yolk for the gilding)

- 10 cl of whole milk

- 100 g of sugar

- 1 tbsp of flower water 'orange tree 

- 20 g of fresh yeast

- 1 pinch of salt

Mix the lukewarm milk, the flour and the yeast (constitution of the leaven)

Leave on for 1 hour in a temperate place

Add the other ingredients and knead 

Let the dough rise for 2 hours in a warm place

Roll out the dough on a work surface and fold it back on itself 

Put in a bowl in the fridge for 8 hours

Roll out the dough and cut it in half

Roll it into sausages and braid it

Cover with a cloth and let stand another 2 hours

Brush with egg yolk 

Bake 40 min at 150 °