
Tel Aviv / Mainz (dpa) - A study in Israel confirms that the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine against Corona is highly effective even after the first vaccination.

As the Sheba Hospital near Tel Aviv announced, there were 85 percent fewer symptomatic infections among 7,214 clinic employees 15 to 28 days after the first dose.

The number of all infections, including asymptomatic ones, fell by 75.

The results were published on Friday in the medical journal "The Lancet"

"This supports the UK government's decision to begin vaccinating its citizens with a single dose," said the hospital's deputy director general, Arnon Afek, according to the statement.

Great Britain had decided to extend the interval between the first and the second vaccine dose, which is necessary for full immune protection, to twelve weeks in order to be able to immunize more people faster.

Pfizer recommends an interval of three to four weeks.

Previous analyzes had shown the vaccine to be very effective in preventing symptomatic infections one week after the second vaccination.

According to a recent survey by the health insurance company Clalit, it was 94 percent.

The vaccination campaign in Israel is very advanced compared to other countries.

The country with its 9.3 million inhabitants is considered a pioneer.

A number of examinations with up to hundreds of thousands of participants were recently possible there to check clinical tests of the Pfizer vaccine.


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Corona figures from the Israeli Ministry of Health

Article in Lancet