
Berlin (AP) - The candidate for the party chairmanship of the Left, Susanne Hennig-Wellsow, sees the Bundeswehr's missions abroad as a crucial question for a possible alliance with the SPD and the Greens after the federal election.

«Blue helmet missions according to Chapter six of the UN Charter, such as in Cyprus, can be viewed in individual cases.

I reject everything else, ”said the Thuringian left party leader of the“ Rheinische Post ”and the Bonn“ General-Anzeiger ”.

The defense budget must be significantly reduced, the budget for development aid at least doubled, and military service abolished and not just suspended, demanded Hennig-Wellsow.

She emphasized: "The Bundeswehr has no place abroad."

Foreign policy and how to deal with the Bundeswehr are “a crucial question.

We will see whether it is an exclusion criterion for a coalition when all three parties sit at the table. "


At an online party conference at the end of February, Hennig-Wellsow and the left faction leader in the Hessian state parliament, Janine Wissler, want to be elected to the new dual leadership of the left in the federal government.

After eight years as party chairmen, Katja Kipping and Bernd Riexinger are no longer running.

"I would like to prepare the left as best I can for government ability in the federal government," said Hennig-Wellsow.

However, according to current surveys, it would not be enough for an alliance of the Greens, SPD and Left.

Hennig-Wellsow went on to say that in the event of participation in the government, the Left wanted to set a new form of basic security in a coalition agreement.

"I think that's negotiable with the SPD and the Greens," she emphasized.

"As part of a progressive coalition to which we could belong after the federal election, we want, for example, to make Hartz IV sanction-free, abolish the asset test and permanently increase Hartz IV to at least 650 euros."

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