
The power of the Democratic Party and the people agreed to exempt the preliminary feasibility study for the construction of Gadeokdo New Airport, a hot issue in the Busan mayoral by-election.

Even while taking the controversy over the preferential treatment, the two parties made a voice.

This is Kang Min-woo.

<Reporter> On the

news that Busan's public sentiment is not good,

[Kim Tae-nyeon/Debuter


Democratic Party Representative (Yesterday): I have to go to Busan again.

Ha ha.] The

leader of the Dong-A-Democratic Party rolled up its arms to deal with the Special Act on the Gadeok Islands New Airport.

[Kim Tae-nyeon/Deocratic Democratic Party Representative: Gadeokdo New Airport will be nailed as an irreversible, irreversible national project.]

Gadeokdo Special Act met a rock during the review process of the National Assembly legislation on the 17th.

Initially, the Democratic Party's original draft included a special provision that exempted the preliminary feasibility study that verifies the economic feasibility of public investment projects in which more than 30 billion won of Narat money is invested.

However, the atmosphere changed 180 degrees at the bill review held again yesterday (19th).

The proposal to re-introduce the'previous exemption' clause passed the so-called ruling party agreement, and a full meeting was held late in the evening.

The Justice Party protested that it was a ticketing airport conscious of the upcoming by-election of the Busan mayor, but

[Sam Sang-jung / Justice Party member: What on earth is it not a ticketing airport for elections?" I think it will be the bill that leaves the biggest stain on the 21st National Assembly.] It was

finally decided through a vote.

[Jin Seon-mi/Chairman of the Commissioner for Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Deocratic Democratic Party): 21 members in favor. With 1 opposing member and 1 abstaining member, this agenda is proclaimed that it has been passed.] The

special law is expected to be submitted to the plenary session on the 26th after the judiciary committee review on the 25th.