Malmö municipality has long worked to counter anti-Semitism in the city's schools, but still there are several Jewish children and young people who tell of a continued vulnerability.

18-year-old Rebecca is one of those who thinks it is important to shed light on what is going on in the school corridors.

- In high school it was the worst.

There, a guy healed every time I went into the room, she says.

According to Rebecca, students could also make gross generalizations about Judaism and the Israeli state, or joke about the Holocaust.

Rebecca also did not dare to wear the Star of David for fear of being even more exposed.

Great exclusion in school

She could also experience exclusion at Protestant festivals.

Rebecca was the only Jewish woman in the class, and wishes there had been more like her in school.

- It would have been nice to have someone by your side.

At Christmas it could feel a little strange, but at the same time I was proud to be a little unique.

Need to do more

Rebecca wishes she had received more support from teachers and principals when she was exposed to anti-Semitic attacks.

She also thinks that one should learn more about Jews and their faith in order to increase knowledge.

- Maybe visit the synagogue and definitely talk more about the Holocaust, to prevent history from repeating itself, she says.

"Rebecca" has chosen not to share her real name due to fear of harassment.

Hear more of what Rebecca has to say in the clip above.