China News Service, February 18th. According to the official WeChat account of the Shandong Provincial Department of Education, the Shandong Provincial Department of Education drafted the "Shandong Province Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools" in accordance with the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Burden Reduction Measures for Primary and Secondary School Students" and other policy documents from nine departments including the Ministry of Education. The Fifteen Regulations for Standardizing School Running (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") are now open to the public for comments.

The "Regulations" require the establishment of a system for coordinating and publicizing student homework to regulate the time of student homework; scientifically design homework and no repetitive and punitive homework assignments; teachers correct all written homework assignments and do not assign homework to parents or require parents to review homework .

The full text is as follows:

15 Regulations on Standardizing School Running in Shandong Province (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)

  1. Strengthen the leadership of the party.

  Fully implement the party's educational policy, adhere to the socialist direction of running schools, implement the fundamental task of Lide, and give full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

  The main policy basis: 1. The notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the issuance of the overall plan for deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era; 2. The notice of the Ministry of Education on the issuance of the management standards for compulsory education schools.

  2. Adhere to moral education first.

  Cultivate and practice the core values ​​of socialism, implement the "Guide to Moral Education for Primary and Secondary Schools", implement the detailed content of moral education into the teaching goals of various disciplines, and integrate it into the whole process of education, teaching and school management.

Integrate mental health education throughout the entire process of education and teaching, and establish a screening, identification, intervention and tracking mechanism for students with mental health problems.

  The main policy basis: 1. The notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the overall plan for education evaluation reform in the new era; 2. The opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the reform of education and teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education.

  3. Improve the level of intellectual education.

  Implement teaching in accordance with national curriculum plans and curriculum standards to ensure that all students meet the national quality standards for various academic studies.

Protect students' curiosity, imagination, and thirst for knowledge, stimulate interest in learning, improve learning ability, and cultivate creativity.

Accurately analyze the academic situation, insist on teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and establish a support system for students with learning difficulties.

  The main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the reform of education and teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. Shandong Province's methods of investigating responsibility for the conduct of ordinary primary and secondary schools in violation of regulations.

  Fourth, strengthen physical exercise.

  Guide students to exercise scientifically, master health knowledge, guide students out of classroom activities between classes, and protect students' vision health.

At least one student sports meeting or sports festival is held every year to ensure that students spend no less than one hour in campus sports activities every day during school, to ensure that students meet the physical fitness standards and master 1 to 3 sports skills.

  Main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the reform of education and teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. Opinions of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on comprehensively strengthening and improving school physical education in the new era; 3. Office of the State Council Guiding Opinions of the Department on the promotion of the reform of ordinary high school education methods in the new era; 4. Regulations on the promotion of student physical health in Shandong Province.

  5. Enhance aesthetic education.

  Open art courses, organically integrate the aesthetic education content of related disciplines, and hold at least one campus art performance activity with all students participating every year, and cultivate each student to learn 1 or 2 artistic skills.

  The main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening education and teaching reform and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. Opinions of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on comprehensively strengthening and improving school aesthetic education in the new era.

  6. Strengthen labor education.

  Implement labor education class hours, establish a student duty system, set up labor practice places inside and outside the school, establish a daily labor list system for student families, and extensively carry out labor education practice activities.

  The main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening education and teaching reform and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on comprehensively strengthening labor education in universities, middle schools and primary schools in the new era.

  7. Standardize admissions behavior.

  Implement a system for reporting dropouts of students, and compulsory education schools shall not select students in the name of examinations, interviews, evaluations, etc.

Ordinary high schools enroll students based on the scores of the junior high school level test combined with the comprehensive quality evaluation.

Public and private schools enroll students simultaneously, do not enroll students in violation of regulations, and do not use methods such as setting bonuses to compete for students in violation of regulations.

Adhere to random, balanced, and sunny arrangement, do not set up key classes, and allocate teachers in a reasonable and balanced manner.

  The main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the reform of education and teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. The notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the issuance of the overall plan for deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era; 3. Shandong Province on general violations Measures for the accountability of school-running behavior in primary and secondary schools

  8. Optimize teaching methods.

  Promote heuristic, interactive, and inquiry-based teaching, and organize research-based, project-based, and cooperative learning.

Make full use of modern technology to carry out situational teaching.

Organize teaching in strict accordance with the curriculum standards, do not increase or decrease class hours at will, increase difficulty, adjust progress, and do not exceed the outline.

Ordinary high schools start elective courses no earlier than the end of the first semester.

  The main policy basis: 1. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on deepening the reform of education and teaching and comprehensively improving the quality of compulsory education; 2. The notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the issuance of the overall plan for deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era; 3. Shandong Province on general violations Measures for the Accountability of School-running Behaviors in Elementary and Secondary Schools; 4. Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Reform of Educational Modes of General High Schools in the New Era; 5. Curriculum Programs for General High Schools

  9. Strengthen operation management.

  Establish a system for coordinating and publicizing student work to regulate and control student work time.

Design homework scientifically, without assigning repetitive and punitive homework.

The teacher approves all written assignments, and does not assign assignments to parents or ask parents to review assignments.

  Main policy basis: Notice of nine departments including the Ministry of Education on printing and distributing measures to reduce the burden on primary and secondary school students.

  10. Strict examination management.

  In the first and second grades of elementary school, the school may organize one unified examination per semester, and no more than two unified examinations per semester for other grades.

The examination results are evaluated by grades, and student results and rankings are not announced in any way.

It is not allowed to reward teachers and students on the basis of the high school entrance examination results in any form, and it is strictly forbidden to announce, publicize, and hype the "No.

  The main policy basis: 1. The notice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the issuance of the overall plan for deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era; 2. The notice of nine departments including the Ministry of Education on the issuance of measures to reduce the burden of primary and secondary school students.

  11. Standardize teaching materials and supplements.

  Adhere to the selection of teaching materials and auxiliary materials in the national and provincial catalogs, adhere to the principle of "one subject, one auxiliary", and do not force students to order auxiliary materials in any form.

Establish and improve the review system for entering school reading materials, do not use unapproved teaching materials, and in principle do not compile and publish school-based course materials.

  The main policy basis: 1. Management method of teaching materials for elementary and middle schools; 2. State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Ministry of Education, and National Development and Reform Commission Management Method of Supplementary Materials for Elementary and Secondary Schools.

  12. Improve work and rest management.

  Guarantee students’ daily sleep time, no less than 10 hours for elementary school students, no less than 9 hours for junior high school students, and no less than 8 hours for high school students.

Day students arrive at school in the morning. In principle, the compulsory education period should not be earlier than 7:30 and the high school should not be earlier than 7:00.

Cooperate with parents to provide guidance for day students. In principle, the rest time for elementary school students is no later than 21:30, junior high school students no later than 22:00, and high school students no later than 23:00.

Boarding students have a unified wake-up time in the morning. In principle, junior high school should not be earlier than 7:00, and senior high school should not be earlier than 6:30; in principle, the end time of evening self-study is no later than 21:00 in junior high school and 21:30 in high school.

Evening self-study, weekends, winter and summer vacations and other statutory holidays are not organized in a unified manner, and students’ self-study time is not allocated to subjects.

  The main policy basis: 1. Shandong Province Student Physique and Health Promotion Regulations; 2. The Ministry of Education and other nine departments issued notices on measures to reduce the burden on primary and secondary school students.

  13. Improve school governance.

  Formulate and implement the school charter, establish and improve the faculty representative assembly or faculty general meeting system, and establish a parent committee.

At least one faculty representative meeting is held every school year, and at least one parent committee meeting is held every semester.

Any commercial advertisements or activities are strictly prohibited from entering the campus.

Students are forbidden to bring mobile phones into the classroom.

Students are not organized to participate in social evaluation, promotion and competition activities.

After-school services cover all students in need.

  The main policy basis: 1. Several opinions of the Ministry of Education and other eight departments on further stimulating the vitality of primary and secondary schools; 2. The notice of the Ministry of Education on the issuance of management standards for compulsory education schools.

  14. Build a school culture.

  Respect school traditions and school reality, refine the school's school-running philosophy, build a school culture that is positive, hardworking, united and harmonious, and demonstrates characteristics, cultivate and form "one training and three styles" with cultural flavor and educating value, and creation reflects school characteristics The school song, school badge, school flag.

Do a good job in campus greening, beautification and humanistic environment construction, and carry out student club activities on a regular basis.

  The main policy basis: 1. The Ministry of Education and other nine departments issued a notice on measures to reduce the burden of primary and secondary school students; 2. Several opinions of the Ministry of Education and other eight departments on further stimulating the vitality of primary and secondary schools; 3. The Ministry of Education prohibits commercial advertisements and commercial activities from entering Urgent notices for elementary, secondary schools and kindergartens.

  15. Keep a safe bottom line.

  Strengthen the construction of a safe campus, establish and improve mechanisms for risk prevention and control, hidden danger investigation, prediction and early warning, and emergency response, strictly implement the emergency work responsibility system, carry out safety education and safety hazard investigation on a regular basis, and carry out emergency evacuation drills at least once a month.

  Main policy basis: 1. School safety regulations of Shandong Province; 2. Emergency evacuation drill guide for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.