Dates are one of the most popular fruits and foods that contain great health benefits and high nutritional value, and provide the body with energy.

What are the benefits of dates?

What are the nutrients it contains?

The answers are here, along with important data on healthy gut nutrition.

Whether you eat dates as a snack, with salads, or as an ingredient in sweets, this fruit with a history of more than 5 thousand years, with its different types and varieties, has great health benefits, as it contains multiple nutrients.

Dates provide soluble fiber, which can lower harmful cholesterol, and thus help prevent the accumulation of fatty cholesterol deposits on the arterial walls (known as atherosclerosis), and help reduce the risk of heart disease, according to Deutsche Welle. From the American website "Eat this, not that".

The harmful cholesterol is known as "low-density lipoprotein" (LDL), and it may lead to many diseases if it is elevated in the blood.

Dates provide soluble fiber that can lower harmful cholesterol (networking sites)

Among the important nutritional benefits of dates also, they contain powerful antioxidants such as carotenoid, polyphenol and anthocyanin, which play an important role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases, infections and cancer, according to the results of research conducted between 2015 and 2020.

Dates also provide energy for the body, as they contain carbohydrates and natural sugars, so daily intake of it provides your body with all these benefits that we mentioned.

On the other hand, despite the many benefits of dates, excessive intake may lead to undesirable results, including weight gain.

4 dates (about 100 grams) contain 277 calories, so eating a lot of them can lead to significant weight gain.