
Berlin (dpa) - More than every third student at a general and vocational school in Germany has a migration background.

Not all of them speak sufficient German - which sometimes makes lessons difficult for teachers and classmates.

From the point of view of educational researcher Nele McElvany from the Institute for School Development Research in Dortmund, language training must start before school.

"You have to expand the systematic language support in the elementary sector so that the children have a chance at all when they start school," says Mc Elvany.

Because misunderstandings are also caused by cultural differences, Stefan Düll from the board of directors of the German Association of Philologists thinks it makes sense to also start with the teaching staff: "There could be more people with a migration background in our profession," he says.

Because this way, culturally related misunderstandings can be resolved more easily.

In addition, teachers without a migrant background could also be made more aware: “It is certainly helpful to provide further training for teachers about the special features of different cultures.

This way you can better understand why there are certain misunderstandings or a complete lack of understanding when it comes to concepts and values, ”says Düll with conviction.


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