The driver, who had his license withdrawn two days earlier, was driving drunk and on cocaine on the A20.


Gendarmerie du Lot

This is called a cumulard.

During the night from Thursday to Friday, the gendarmes and firefighters of the Lot intervene on the A20 motorway, on the Nadaillac side, between Brive and Rocamadour.

On the emergency lane, the car of a 45-year-old Limougeaud is on fire.

An incident that could have been trivial, if its owner was not drunk, but also on cocaine and cannabis.

The driver intended to travel in this state to Toulouse, in full curfew, driving his rolling wreck which was immobilized, say the gendarmes on their Facebook page.

Indeed, no later than Tuesday, the forties had been served with an administrative suspension of his driving license following… a blood alcohol test.

On the night of Thursday to Friday, his recorded level was 1.76 g of alcohol in the blood.

The gendarmes took him into custody.


Lot: A month after obtaining his driving license, he is flashed at 201 km / h


Lot: The gendarmes broadcast the incredible gymkhana of a van on the A20 motorway

  • Alcohol

  • Road safety

  • Driver's license

  • Firefighters

  • Gendarmerie

  • Miscellaneous

  • Toulouse