RATP buses.

(illustration) -


Be careful if you have to take the bus on Monday in Paris or take the suburbs: the RATP drivers have filed a strike call.

The reason ?

The RATP wants to once again give the possibility of buying a ticket directly on the bus from the driver.

This was no longer the case since the start of the crisis, in the spring of 2020. As

Le Parisien


, already this fall the management had tried to reverse this health measure, without success against the unions.

Rebelote at the beginning of 2021, and the unions still do not agree.

" Nothing has changed.

It's even worse, with the variants which are more contagious.

We do not understand ”, deplores Ahmed of the CGT among our colleagues.

The labor inspectorate considers the decision "incomprehensible"

To allow tickets to be sold on board again on Monday, the plexiglass that protected the drivers at the front of the buses had to be removed, which worries them.

“And with its usual cynicism, management also recommends airing the driver's cab to resume for sale safely.

It gives us the choice to die of the Covid or the cold, ”describes the CGT in a leaflet.

The unions come into this showdown with weighty support: the labor inspectorate.

In a letter of February 8, it judges the decision of the public transport company "incomprehensible since it is likely to expose drivers to an increased risk of contamination".

Note that, in normal times, only 2% of tickets are sold by drivers.

The vast majority of travelers have either a subscription or bought their ticket otherwise.


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  • Paris

  • RATP strike

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Strike

  • RATP