
February 12, 2021 The Draghi government, from a geographical point of view, sees the north of Italy prevail based on the birthplaces of its members, with an overwhelming majority of 9 Lombards (Cartabia, Guerini, Giorgetti, Cingolani, Messa, Colao,

Gelmini , Bonetti, Garavaglia).

The picture of the northern regions is completed with a Piedmontese (Dadone), a Ligurian (Orlando), one from Friuli Venezia Giulia (Patuanelli), four Venetians (Brunetta, Stefani, Franco and D'Inca, the latter two originally from Belluno) and two from Emilia (Franceschini and Bianchi, both from Ferrara).

Central Italy sees a Lazio (Giovannini) and four ministers for the South: two from Campania (Di Maio, Carfagna) and two Lucanians (Speranza and Lamorgese, both born in Potenza).