Pulses are one of the most important foods in the world rich in minerals, vitamins and protein. They are low in fat and rich in fiber, and they are included in most international cuisines.

An International Day of Pulses was designated on the tenth of February of each year, after it was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2016.

Among the most prominent legumes known internationally are beans, chickpeas, soybeans and lentils of all kinds.

Regarding pulses and their importance in the diet, methods of preserving and cooking them on her world day, nutritionist Rita Aoun tells Al-Jazeera Net that pulses are very healthy plant foods, and they contain many nutrients, and they are economic foods that are included in any balanced diet, as they are rich in fiber, protein, carbohydrates and B vitamins. (B) iron, magnesium and zinc, and low in fat, especially saturated fat, and free of cholesterol.

Colored and filtered beans are rich in vitamins and minerals (Pixabay)

How do we eat legumes?

Rita points out that a person's daily serving of legumes is half a cup and contains 115 calories, including 20 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of protein, and 7-9 grams of protein.

She adds that although legumes are a rich source of protein and iron, it is better to accompany them with vitamin C, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, or green leaves, because this increases iron absorption, especially since the iron in legumes is slow in the body.

On the vegan diet that is based on legumes, as they are the main source of protein, iron, zinc and vitamins;

Those who follow this system must pay attention to the quantity, because too much leads to weight gain, but if eaten in moderation, it does not lead to weight gain.

A vegetarian diet may cause weight gain because it is rich in carbohydrates without protein, and includes rice, potatoes, legumes and starches, and not eating the correct amount causes weight gain.

Rita believes that children can start eating pulses between 6 and 8 months, and the portion is very small, and mashed.

And remember the great importance of washing pulses and soaking them about 24 hours before using them, especially for people who suffer from bloating, so that phytates come out of them, a compound found in grains and legumes that works to preserve phosphorous in the plant.

Although it reduces the absorption of some minerals, it is a healthy antioxidant.

Rita Aoun: Including legumes in the diet helps relieve chronic diseases (Al-Jazeera)

Resistance to chronic diseases

According to Rita, according to the diet, a person can determine the required and sufficient amount. For someone who consumes two thousand calories, for example, a cup and a half cup of legumes will suffice, while for someone who consumes 1200 calories, half a cup suffices.

She points out that the consumption of legumes is inversely related to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, stress and high blood fats, so the more legumes a person suffering from these diseases consumes, the less risk of these diseases is to him.

This is proven by experiments on people with type 2 diabetes, who ate a cup of legumes, equivalent to 190 to 200 grams per day, and after 3 months, the study found that the stores of diabetes, cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood pressure decreased all.

Rita recommends the "dash diet" for those who have high blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. It is a diet that relies mainly on plants and on legumes in particular, seeds, nuts, vegetables and fruits, in which a person eats half a cup of cooked legumes 4 to 5 times. Weekly.

Ghada Adimi: It is best to store pulses and grains in closed containers or a cotton bag (Al-Jazeera)

How are legumes preserved?

Ghada Moawad Adimi, author of the book "Ghada Al-Bayt for Housekeeping," says that the preservation of legumes and grains is preferable in closed containers or a cotton bag.

The important thing is not to stay in the plastic bag, and keep in a dry and cool place.

To protect it from decay, a tablespoon of black pepper seeds, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, cloves, dry hot peppers, or garlic seeds with its skin are placed on its surface, but if it is in cloth bags, a pinch of coarse salt can be placed.

It can also be stored in the refrigerator after boiling for 3 minutes, and placed directly in ice water for 3 minutes as well, then filtered and dried on a towel for half an hour and placed in special bags for freezing or a closed container in the refrigerator.

To cook legumes and grains, wash well and then soak in cold water for two hours, then wash again and soak in water for a whole day.

The second method that Ghada uses is to leave the pulses for an hour after boiling them, then on low heat, or soak for hours with boiling water and carbonate at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of water, with the water being thrown away and the grains washed when they are ready.

Lentil soup with chicken and vegetables complete meal (Pixabay)

And legumes can be soaked in cold water and bicarbonate in a glass bowl inside the microwave for 10 minutes at high temperature, then 40 minutes at the degree of defrost.

And wash it well after soaking, and put it in a metal colander in a pressure cooker with a little oil to avoid the overflow of water and bicarbonate to reduce the boiling time.

When the whistling begins, leave it for half an hour on low heat.

The most popular legume meal

Among the most popular legume meals are: peas, beans, and cowpea stews with rice, fava beans, chickpeas, and legume dressings.

Blended is the most legume-rich winter meal.

A mixed dish is one of the most legumes of winter meals (Al-Jazeera)

Blended preparation method

Ilham Jbeili from Mount Lebanon says that some food companies have ready-to-mix bags containing soybeans, lentils and beans with rice, but they never adopt them.

It prefers to soak the grains separately.

She soaks a cup of pine beans (a small dry bean), a cup of chickpeas, a cup of soybeans, and half a cup of dry (dried) peas overnight.

And fry two onions and one garlic in vegetable oil and add cumin, sweet pepper, dried coriander, cinnamon and salt, then add beans, chickpeas, soy, peas and washed lentils with a quarter cup of rice.

Add water, meat broth, or chicken broth to a large extent, and keep it on a medium heat until all the ingredients are done, and add a little olive oil before extinguishing the fire about 3 minutes.