A preparatory meeting for COP26, an international conference on global warming countermeasures, was held, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres had to phase out the abolition of coal-fired power in developed countries by 2030 and in all other countries by 2040. I asked each country to take action because it would not be possible.

The preparatory meeting for COP26, an international conference on global warming countermeasures to be held in the United Kingdom in November, was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the 8th, and representatives from each country attended online.

In this, UN Secretary-General António Guterres mentioned the abolition of coal-fired power, and divided it into OECD = Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries centered on developed countries such as Japan, Europe and the United States and other countries. By the year, other countries must be phased out by 2040. "

The United Nations has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2050, and has reiterated the goal of abolishing coal-fired power to achieve this goal.

The meeting was attended by Chargé d'Affaires Mills, who will return to the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming, and said, "Funds to stimulate more aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets and actions of the international community. We are working on planning, "he said, and expressed his desire to play a leading role again in the international community.