It is believed that the Persians were the first to regularly consume caviar, as they believed that it enhances physical strength, and China is currently the main source of caviar with 60% of global production, but have you ever wondered why the prices of this fine food are so high?

In a report published in the Spanish newspaper "elconfidencial", writer Anna Nuño says that caviar is the most expensive food in the world, with a price of 84 dollars for 30 grams, and about 12 thousand dollars per kilogram.

According to the author, the price of caviar depends on several factors, such as the type of fish, the extent of its scarcity, the time required to produce, harvest and process roe, the quality of eggs, as well as the levels of supply and demand.

Caviar sturgeon

At the end of the 19th century, the Russians chose sturgeon to produce the best quality caviar, and since then the factor that determines the price of caviar is how rare the fish is.

And this type is extracted from the female sturgeon, and there are about 25 species of these fish currently, most of them live in the Caspian Sea.

In addition to the scarcity of sturgeon due to illegal fishing, there is another factor that makes this species very expensive, which is the time it takes to produce, which ranges between 8 and 20 years, which is the time required for the female to mature sexually before the roe spawns.

Most of the sturgeon roe available on the market today comes from fish farms, as the cost of caviar extracted from farmed fish is lower than that of marine species.

The most expensive caviar

The author adds that the most expensive caviar in the world is currently known as "diamond", which is extracted from the white sturgeon fish that lives in the Caspian Sea.

Although it can live more than 100 years, this species is on the verge of extinction, and only a small number of them remain.

This type of caviar is characterized by its white color, and the price per kilogram can reach 25 thousand dollars.

If you want to taste less expensive caviar, the author advises you to try red caviar extracted from salmon, or trout caviar, cod, or white snail caviar extracted from snail eggs.