On Sunday, the rescue service, ambulance and police were alerted that two cars were driving through the ice on Lake Möckeln in Karlskoga.

The four people involved, chilled, escaped with mere fright.

They could get ashore and just watch as the cars sank into each hole.

But the incident itself does not automatically involve a criminal investigation by the police, unless the vehicles are leaking.

- In this case, it could be a question of environmental crime, possibly.

The fire brigade has been in contact with the municipality, says Lars Hedelin, spokesperson for the police Region Bergslagen.

Permitted according to the Off-Road Driving Act

According to the police, it is legally allowed to drive on ice, something the authority itself does at regular intervals for training.

A frozen lake is counted as terrain in winter.

- It is allowed according to the Off-Road Driving Act.

However, it is important to know what to do when getting out with the car on the ice.

There it may be a matter of having to pass private land and then it is a different matter, says Lars Hedelin, press spokesperson at the police Region Bergslagen.

Calls for caution

In addition to being aware of the risks in terms of bearing capacity, it is important to be aware of local regulations and be aware of whether the lake in question is a drinking water source.

On such, motor traffic is prohibited in summer and winter.

With Sunday's accident in mind, however, the police advise caution.

- It is well known by skaters that you should never trust an ice.

It can be forty-five centimeters when you drill a hole and check, then it is an outlet or a cold spring nearby that makes the ice not bear at all, says Hedelin.