“The Council of Ministers approved the improvement and expansion of the sphere of self-employment, which, along with streamlining the country's currency system, is an important step towards increasing employment,” Fernandez wrote on his Twitter.

El Consejo de Ministros aprobó el perfeccionamiento y ampliación del trabajo por cuenta propia, importante paso para el incremento del empleo, a tono con el ordenamiento monetario del país.

En los próximos días se ampliará la información a nuestro pueblo.

@ MEP_CUBA # SomosCubapic.twitter.com / YSImWWJQM2

- Alejandro Gil Fernández (@AlejandroGilF) February 6, 2021

He noted that the people will be informed in the coming days.

Earlier it became known that the United States intends to revise the policy of ex-President Donald Trump towards Cuba.