
Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki came to the National Assembly today (5th) and asked to respect the view of the Ministry of Finance, which values ​​fiscal soundness.

We have not bent against the plan to give all the 4th disaster subsidies to everyone.

This is Kang Cheong-wan.

<Reporter> The

ruling party's wave of offense against the country's barns continued in the National Assembly's questionnaire.

[Kim Byeong-wook/Democratic Party Member: I would like to be a forward-looking machine that considers the country's barn and the people's barn together.]

Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki said, "Please respect the Ministry of Finance."

[Hong Nam-ki/Deputy Prime Minister of Economy: Finance will play an active role.

However, I would like to ask you to respect the fiscal authority's view of fiscal soundness.] I am

not against the expansion of finance, but at the same time, the selection and universal payment were simultaneously promoted, so the scale of up to 30 trillion won, the 4th disaster The ruling party's thoughts about the subsidy were still shaken.

He also added complaining that the morale of his subordinates fell.

[Hong Nam-ki/Deputy Prime Minister of Economy: (Public officials of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance) It is true that fraud has fallen a lot.

As I try to boost morale...

.] At the

seat of the State Council, desperate appearances such as closing eyes with both hands together were also caught.

Opposition lawmakers questioned the Ministry of Industry, leaving other economic ministries behind, and suspicious of the deletion of nuclear data.

[Bunch Sir / of national forces Senator: Prime Minister accept that the staff which sinnaerim in the sight of committing no crime outside world once do I gotta redeem Now

jeongsegyun Prime Minister Wolsong nuclear power plant closures in the former Industry Minister said the president pledged baekungyu He criticized the Korean prosecution's request for an arrest warrant as inappropriate.

(Video coverage: Park Jin-ho, video editing: Choi Hye-young)