
US President Biden has announced that the Trump administration will suspend plans to withdraw US troops from Germany.

This is the first time since his inauguration, and it was the first to express his stance on major diplomatic issues, emphasizing the restoration of the alliance and foreshadowing an active role in the international arena.

This is Kim Yoon-soo, correspondent from Washington.


US President Biden visited the State Department to unveil his first foreign policy plan since his inauguration.

First, he emphasized that he had talked with the leaders of each country, including Korea, to restore the alliance.

[Biden/US President: We talked with the leaders of Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Germany, France, NATO, Japan, South Korea and Australia, and discussed ways to re-establish the way of cooperation.] To

strengthen the alliance, reductions in Trump's days The decision was made to freeze the relocation of US troops.

It will be decided again after reviewing the posture of US troops around the world, but the Trump-style relocation plan, which deals with the issue of defense costs and US troop presence, is expected to return to its origin.

[Biden/US President: All plans to withdraw US troops from Germany will be halted while the global posture review of US forces is underway.]

There is no specific comment on North Korea policy.

However, White House National Security Adviser Sullivan explained that yesterday (4th), it has reaffirmed the existing position that North Korea policy is being reviewed in the US-ROK normal call.

[Sullivan / White House national security adviser. And President Biden are reviewing policy toward North Korea in the currency and doors president, preached the will hagetdaneun consult closely with allies such as Japan and South Korea]

Biden, President Another Myanmar coup and Ioannina in Russia He also strongly criticized your detention, and foretold that the US will play an active role in the international community in the future.