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04 February 2021 The position of the brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, accused of the beating of Willy Monteiro Duarte, the 21-year-old boy killed outside a club, following a ferocious beating with kicks and punches, in Colleferro, in the Castelli Romani, worsens last September. 

The Prosecutor of Velletri challenges the two brothers with the crime of voluntary murder and no longer with the crime of manslaughter.

The same accusation concerns the other two people involved in the crime: Mario Pincarelli and Francesco Belleggia.

The new accusation challenged by the Prosecutor's Office is contained in a new precautionary detention order, which was notified today by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Compagnia di Colleferro to the four suspects, after the new investigations.

The new ordinance integrates and modifies the precautionary measure issued last September.

The measure is the result of investigations carried out by the carabinieri through telephone and environmental wiretapping, summary witness information and various investigations, with which serious evidence of guilt was collected.

'' All the elements undoubtedly support the qualification of the fact as, due to the modality of the action, carried out by several coordinated persons, due to the localization and violence of the blows, inflicted in several vital parts - reads the ordinance - for the conditions in which the victim found himself, struck by surprise in the first phase and then even when he was defenseless on the ground in the second, and for the experience in the fighting techniques of the Bianchi brothers and Belleggia, the minimum condition must undoubtedly be excluded. to contest the manslaughter, or the absolute divergence between the desired result and the one actually achieved ''.

To confirm the most serious accusation of voluntary murder, for the investigating judge, also the statements of the witnesses.

'' The informers heard in the course of the investigation confirmed that Willy was being attacked despite being completely unrelated to the ongoing discussion between Belleggia and Zurma's friends, so that the four suspects in hitting him and raging with cruelty on a helpless boy, were simply animated - underlines the investigating judge - from the desire to demonstrate the strength of their group ''