Three young girls aged 13, 15 and 19 were indicted Wednesday and placed in pre-trial detention after the filmed assault of another 18-year-old young woman in Béziers, the prosecution announced.

Three young girls aged 13, 15 and 19 were indicted on Wednesday and placed in pre-trial detention after the filmed assault of another 18-year-old young woman in Béziers, the prosecution said.

They are being prosecuted "on counts of extortion, death threats, as well as arbitrary kidnapping and kidnapping accompanied by torture or acts of barbarism", details the public prosecutor of Béziers, Raphaël Balland, in a press release.

 Part of the assault was filmed using a cell phone

They are suspected of having, on January 27, subjected the victim to "a long series of physical violence, in particular blows to the face, threats as well as humiliating and degrading treatment" first in the streets of Béziers, then in the apartment of the parents of one of them, according to the parquet floor.

Part of the assault was filmed using a cell phone violently stolen the day before.

And the video ended up on social networks.

In police custody, they admitted having participated in the facts "while transferring the main responsibility to the other two", continues the prosecutor.

The victim said for his part not to know these girls and that "his attack was purely gratuitous, for no apparent reason".

The three suspects were placed in pre-trial detention by the judge of freedoms and detention on Wednesday evening, an exceptional measure for the two minors.