
Heidelberg (dpa / lsw) - Narcotics investigators have found almost 41 kilograms of marijuana in Heidelberg.

The officials had caught a 24-year-old man trying to sell 2.4 kilos of the drug to a 23-year-old, the police and prosecutors announced on Thursday.

After the arrest on Tuesday, officers found another 38.5 kilograms in a garage rented from the seller.

Packaged marijuana and several weapons were also found in the man's apartment.

The younger brother of the 24-year-old is also said to have traded drugs.

He is strongly suspected of having sold more than 110 grams of cocaine.

In the apartment, the investigators also found 29 grams of packaged cocaine that should be his.

The three men were brought before a judge on Wednesday.

You are on remand on suspicion of drug trafficking.

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